Sunday 30 November 2014

Righting a wrong farf

Please read the previous post first, if you haven't done so already. I ended that post with the observation that the wings might bend in the wrong direction. To see whether the opposite looked better, I inverted the warping of the wing and decreased its amplitude as well.

So here is the same farf but with wings that flex the other way. This one is better, I think.


Addition made December 2, 2014

Here's another small improvement: the plants in the background are completely static, whereas they should sway a bit in the wind. That is something Vue can take care of, so after some careful additional programming here is the result. Mind you, the video represents a time lapse shot of the tetropter in flight, and the relative speeds of motion of the tetropter and the plants have not been adjusted yet to look correct in relation to one another. But it works. Somewhere in the future the body of the tetropter needs to become more detailed and more mobile, etc., etc....


Petr said...

this is really amazing Gert!

Evan Black said...

It does look great!

I agree that these newer videos look better, but I also wonder if there should be evidence of angle of attack (perhaps that's what you were going for with the videos in the last blog?) Maybe an overall "U" shape would be best, with both the top and the bottom trailing as the middle leads?

Sigmund Nastrazzurro said...

Petr: thank you!
Evan: you hit the nail on the head: I agree that there is a problem with the angle of attack, in that there now is probably so little of it that lift might be compromised. In other words: the wings might be too vertical to work. I do have some ideas about that though, so there will be more farf studies.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to future posts and videos, keep up the good work. BTW, I found and update on Marc Boulay's speculative biology project where its showing off some new/ enhanced pics of some of the creatures in the project:

Anonymous said...

There is one problem though, because the bottom of the wing leads the motion, then the tetropter would be blowing air upward, causing it to not be able to fly. This would be a problem unless it was either falling off a cliff headfirst and was slowing it's decent, or unless it was trying to go downward at high speeds to catch prey.

Sigmund Nastrazzurro said...

Eric: There's some glinting that obscures part of the movement, but I agree that the design is posted is not good enough. I've made better ones since...