New readers may however respond by saying "What on Earth is a tetropter!?". Part of the answer lies in rephrasing that as "What on Furaha is a tetropter!?" Well, tetropters are small exoskeletal insectoids with a radial base-four Bauplan using a double clap-and-fling wing movement. That is about as short a description as can be given, I think. Those who wish to read more can find the latest instalment ('Tetropters IV') right here, with links to the previous three chapters.
'Tetropters IV' had reached the stage where I could simulate tetropter wing movement, resulting in animations showing a completely immobile body in a completely immobile environment and a fixed camera position. To get there had required a lot of work, but so much more was needed: the animals' bodies should be detailed -and should probably have internal movement as well-; there should be a larger variety of wing shapes; the animal should tilt a bit in the direction of movement, and larger tetropters with slow wing beats should bob up and down in flight, like a butterfly does when flying. And to mimic the effect of a macro lens the scene the depth of field should be narrow, with blurring of nearby and far objects.
Copyright Gert van Dijk
Copyright Gert van Dijk
The next stage, shown above, involved 'lens blurring' and body tilting. After various tries and errors Vue Infinite could do lens blurring, but in a very complicated manner: there was a variable that had to entered as a percentage, so I stopped at 100%. The blurring only worked as intended when I set it to 2000%, something I learned after having received help from the Vue Infinite forum at E-on software.
As for the body tilting, that involved rotations around all three axes. I wrote the program so i could control the rotations by hand, but added an automated feature that differentiated a position path. There should probably be a time delay in that the body should probably start to tilt in a given direction slightly before it starts to move that way, but the lack of such a delay is not noticeable. There could be various way for tetropters to change direction; they could change the aspect ration of specific wings or during specific phases of wing movement, or they could bend their bodies to change their centre of gravity. Regardless, I think the tilt adds a nice touch, rendering the flight a bit like that of a helicopter.
Copyright Gert van Dijk
Oh well, there are enough things left for the next stage, such as adding a suitable body. I will probably sculpt one in Sculptrix or build one in Vue itself. The latter option will result in an artificial technical look but has the advantage of colouring the animal with ease. The Sculptrix option will produce a much more biologically looking body, but requires colouring in some other program, another new task to learn (apparently Photoshop can be used to paint 3D objects). So, do not hold your breath, but 'Tetropters VI' will probably be the final documentary, adding all the items mentioned earlier.
Except for the narrator, I am afraid...
very good advancing; bravo.
> in a real scene the wings should beat much more often over the course of such a movement.
Slow-motion/capture video cameras.
This is going to look amazing! Fantastic work so far.
My only quibble at this stage is that the blurring effect is too subtle to be really noticeable. Still, I got chills watching it.
fantastic post again! I hope this gets posted, I tried to comment multipple times on your other recent blog posts, but the comments didn't get through... =(
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