Saturday, 14 December 2024

'The Book' has found a publisher!

Just a short update on the progress of The Book. 

When I discussed this subject matter last, in my August post, I wrote that I was making some progress with getting acceptable colours from Amazon's self-publishing programme. My conclusion at present is that printed lighter colours are quite reasonable, but that dark portions come out dull and lack detail. It turned out that I included more dark portions in my paintings than I was aware of, so many paintings became disappointingly lacklustre. Light colours were much closer to what I had in mind. I also saw some self-published Amazon books that I liked, but I was never really satisfied with how my own paintings looked. I therefore decided that I would try to find a suitable publishing company again. I therefore sent off a proposal, along with synopsis and sample images, as requested. 

Well, I am happy to say that I have signed a contract with a UK publisher! 

I will not say much more now but can add that books from this publisher are readily available internationally, including through firms such as Amazon. I can also add that the actual production of a book takes a lot of time, so the projected publishing date is the third quarter of 2025. 

I know, it’s a long wait, but it's not as long as it has taken me to produce The Book. Should you ever wish to produce a book yourself, my advice is to just write a text and NOT add over 180 illustrations. Anyway, I aim to produce two more posts about feet in this blog in 2024 (one, certainly); that should help a bit!


  1. *happy dance* Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations !

  3. My word, congrats!! It's been a long time coming.

  4. Very good news!

  5. I've been following your work on and off since I was in high school here in the U.S. (16-17 years old) when I was really interested in xenobiology, and now I'm almost 28 and while I'm not as interested in it as before, I visit your blog every few months to see what you're working on. Great to finally be able to see the book after so long. It's almost of mythical status by now. It'll be one of my favorite possessions, something I can hopefully pass on to my future children (telling them I waited more than ten years for it to come out haha). Cheers!

  6. Anonymous: Believe me, it has been a long time for me too. It is so much quicker to simply write a book, but I felt I had to do all the paintings too, and those take a lot of time. Just the actual writing and painting of the published patients would have cost some 53 weeks at 40 hours per week, but that does not count research, thinking, sketching, time off and discarded attempts. If you add a regular 50 hour job and one year to sell the book, you get a long gestation period.
    Anyway, I hope you will like it!


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