Sunday 2 August 2009

The Bulchouk in 3D

Look what happened! A good deed never goes unrewarded, some say, or unpunished, as other with a more cynical disposition would say. In this case, we're definitely dealing with the first possibility. So what happened?

Well, there I was, trying to relax a bit and not working all the time, and so I devoted one of my latest blog entries to my amateur efforts at modelling something in 3D with ZBrush. In the post, I mentioned that, in contrast to me, there are also those who really know how to do 3D modelling: the people who also featured in the 'South of Brussels' post and its sequels.

Well. Marc Boulay and Sylvia Lorrain, with whom I have had pleasant email conversations, contacted me and said they would like to have a go at one of my Furahan creatures. I of course accepted gladly, sent them a list, and they chose the bulchouk.

The 'bulchouk', in case you did not know (and how could you?) is the species depicted on the cover of the "Field Guide to Furahan Avians' (just go to the books section of my website, and you will find it. It's a tetrapterate, or a hexapod-derived flying animal with a wing pattern I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Click to enlarge
© Marc Boulay / Sylvia Lorrain / Gert van Dijk

But now, without further ado, Marc Boulay's 3D ZBrush version of the bulchouk. The next stage is hopefully that Sylvia Lorrain will texture it. I am very happy with it; isn't it great?

1 comment:

  1. ...

    Thanks you Mister Gert ;-)

    I'm so happy to work for fun on your "Bulchouk"

    Thanks again



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